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Kakaire Ronald

Islands of Hope August Update

Our outreach went great saw ~ 50 kids for shots/deworming, lots of pregnant moms (~15), ~40 patients for HIV testing. Another friend gave us a ministry gift which has enabled us to start a new ministry specific for HIV patients. Below is an email that I sent to him explaining what this new ministry is able to provide.

"We are on the boat heading out and I just wanted to thank you for supporting Islands of Hope. I haven't had a chance to tell you but because of your monthly support we are now starting a new program where we give 2 kg of dried beans (in black bag), a huge bar of soap, and the 30 day supply for multivitamins to every HIV patient that is on treatment and following national guidelines in terms of follow up (which we can provide each month). Overcoming the social stigma that goes along with HIV is extremely difficult in this culture, being able to give them a small monthly incentive makes a huge difference in motivating people to be compliant. This literally saves lives, which protects kids and Lord willing will transform the community and give another tangible expression of Christ! This would not have been possible within our budget if you had not decided to be so generous on a monthly basis. We've been trying to plan the logistics and how to properly launch this new program for a few months and today's the big day."

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