Today Kibbi was a bit crazy and so fun. It started out very hot when we left from the landing site with barely a cloud in the sky but 2 hours after getting into the boat, just as we were about to land the heavens opened up. We attempted to hide under a very leaky tarp for about and hour and then just gave up and went for it. Everyone is still really cold as we are heading in now so not sure if that was wise but it sure was fun :) The clinic was pretty small because of rain but we still immunized and dewormed 23 kids, saw 9 pregnant moms and gave out 6 mama kits (a prepackaged kit with everything needed for delivery, we give them after 8 months pregnant), and tested 24 for HIV (2 new pos). HIV incentive program is going great, even with such a small abnormal clinic we saw and gave out 12 foods/soap/MVI bags to our known HIV patients.